Peanut Butter Protein Balls

I used to make ‘protein’ balls before protein was so hot right now and we called them ‘bliss’ balls. In truth, they didn’t actually have that much protein in them, so fair enough - perhaps they were just balls of bliss. Even that is questionable. I’m not sure I ever ate one and thought I was in bliss. But in any case they were pretty tasty and if you fancy, you can find the recipes for these bliss balls here. The carrot one is particularly delicious.

I hadn’t looked at these recipes for years but I returned to them recently in the hunt for something sweetish that I might be able to have with a cup of tea in the afternoon and that was relatively healthy. I was hoping that one of them might be a good source of protein as well. When I read the recipes I realised the protein could be upped to make them pack a better punch, so here is an adapted recipe for the peanut butter ones that I have been making each week recently.

They take about 5 minutes to smoosh together so really they are the simplest treat to make and enjoy.

Protein Peanut Balls recipe easy to make

Sources of protein in these peanut butter balls

First things first. The below protein quantities are courtesy of Google - so…let’s use them as a rough guide. Secondly, I am not a nutrionist or dietician and I don’t specialise in advising people on the best sources of protein or how to balance their diet.

  • Oats - 1 cup of oats is about 25g protein

  • Peanut Butter - 1/2 cup of peanut butter is about 31g protein

  • Flax Seeds - 1/2 cup of flax seeds is about 5g protein

  • Protein Powder - 1 scoop is 25g protein

So the total protein content is about 85g. The mixture should make about 20 balls so that’s just over 4g protein per ball. Not bad for a tasty little bite. I wouldn’t live off these and given the sugar content, I’d stick to one ball per day and get your main protein elsewhere in your diet but these are a decent way to top up your protein total for the day.

When I like to eat these peanut butter protein balls

Generally I have one in the afternoon with a cup of tea. But on the days when I play tennis first thing in the morning and I don’t want to eat my usual protein rich breakfast before I play - I take one of these in the car with a couple of pieces of pineapple, or half an apple so I have a little something to give me energy without my usual full breakfast sloshing around inside me.

Eating protein first thing in the morning is recommended. Most experts suggest we start our day with a good dose of protein so that’s why I take one of these balls as a small pre-tennis snack and then eat my full protein rich brekky when I get back after tennis. Most of you know what I eat for brekky (because I’ve harped on about it before) but incase you are new around here (hi) here is the muesli recipe that I eat every day. Eaten with low-fat Greek yoghurt and a splash of milk it is a great protein rich breakfast that I have not got sick of eating in the 20 years that I’ve been making it.

Again, I’m not giving you this advice as an expert. Just sharing what I do.

Protein powder

This recipe includes a scoop of protein powder. I was pretty sceptical of protein powder (in fact, of any supplements) until recently when it became abundantly clear that I was not able to eat enough protein in my day without a little help from a supplement. I still try and get all of my protein from unprocessed food sources but on a day when my protein intake has been a bit lacklustre - or adding it to a recipe to boost protein has been how I use it. We buy a brand that has zero sugar and no flavour. So on it’s own it’s pretty bland. Which is why it’s actually great to add to stuff. It kind of has a mild milky taste because it is a whey protein. But otherwise it doesn’t add any actual flavour to anything. And importantly, it has no sugar. So as far as protein powders go, it’s about as pure as you can get.

I’m not going to get into whey vs. plant proteins. You do you. I’m just telling you what I use.

Protein Peanut Butter Ball recipe easy to make

peanut butter protein balls


1 cup traditional rolled oats (you want oats that are whole grain but a little flaky and soft)
½ cup peanut butter* (I like the Fix & Fogg brand - try and avoid pb that is full of additives and go for a pure one)
½ cup flaxseed meal (you can find this in health sections of supermarkets or from a baking shop)
2 tbsp semi-sweet chocolate bits (I actually don’t love these and think I’ll add some chopped dark chocolate next time)
1/3 cup honey
1 scoop protein powder (zero sugar, unflavoured variety)


Put all the ingredients in a bowl and smoosh it together with your hands until it sticks together. It might take a couple of minutes for everything to meld. If it’s a bit crumbly, add a little more peanut butter. (I often find the chocolate bits don’t want to mix in - no stress, just poke a couple in to the ball when you’re rolling them).

Wet your hands lightly and then grab small amounts and roll into balls using the palm of your hands. The recipe should make about 20 balls but obviously the size of the balls you make will determine the ultimate number that the mixture yields.

Keep them in a sealed container in the fridge. You can eat them straight away, but I prefer them when they’re a bit firmer and chilled from the fridge.


ingredient brands I use for this recipe

Where to buy in Singapore:

Linwoods Cold Milled Flaxseed - I bought this in Phoon Huat
Bob’s Red Mill Old Fashioned Rolled Oats Whole Grain - find this brand in most supermarkets
Now Sports Whey Protein Isolate Unflavoured - we buy this online through Amazon. iHerb also sell it.
Fix & Fogg Crunchy Peanut Butter - find this brand in most supermarkets


*Smooth or crunchy - you decide.


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